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Fall 2018
Submitted by admin on Sat, 09/22/2018 - 18:35
Dear Pro-Life Friends,
We hope you had a wonderful and restful summer. Re-juveniated by the relaxing time behind us we look forward to keep the pro-life momentum going.
This edition will feature info on the Life Chain and the upcoing events as well as the yearly Bow-A-Thon.
Next week Sunday from 2-3 in Niagara Falls and other locations we have the yearly Life Chain. Please come out and pray for one hour for the rights of the unborn.
Other events to considet this fall are the Video showing of Fatal Flaws and the fundraising activity known as the Bowl-A-Thon. Please join us for these events. See details in the LifeLines Bulletin.
Looking forward to seeing many of you this fall.
Blessings to you all,
Welland Port Colborne Pro-Life Admin
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