Vigil Registration Form - 40 Days for Life Niagara Falls ON, Canada


Vigil Registration Form - March 5 to April 13, 2025

Please complete this form to indicate the time you (and/or your group) will be participating in the silent prayer vigil outside of Greater Niagara General Hospital (Greater Niagara General Hospital, 5546 Portage Rd, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X2)  Kindly follow the directions of those in charge of the event. Thank you.


Property lines NH.png

Click on image to enlarge.


In the Calendar below the fields marked Green indicate that people have signed up for that date and time slot. The orange slots indicate a parish has requested that day and are planning the time slots in the near future. White marked fields indicate an open slot.
You are kindly asked to designate your date and time on any of the open spots.
This will ensure maximum coverage for the entire 40 days. Thank you

Please be aware that abortions take place at this facility on Wednesdays. Kindly keep this in mind when selecting your vigil hours. Thank you.

Once you hit the "Submit" button, you should see the acknowledgement of your registration.


***PLEASE NOTE: If you need to submit more times, please complete this same form again. Thank you..***


If you have made an error in your entry or wish to cancel at a future date, please e-mail the Vigil organizers here: @organizers

There are signs to be picked up and returned at Location 6111 North st Brown brick house (next to former K of C bldg)
Signs are in a dark red box at the end of the driveway.



Time of the day

if anyone would like to fill some of the hours that are not taken please advise the website or Annette or Angela
Date 8-9AM 9-10AM 10-11AM 11-12AM 12-1PM 1-2PM 2-3PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 5-6PM 6-7PM 7-8PM  
March 5                  3:30pm
Opening Prayers and Blessing
March 6                          
March 7                          
March  8                          
March 9                          
March 10                        
March 11                          
March 12                         Cathedral
March 13                          
March 14                        
March 15                        
March 16                          
March 17                        
March 18                        
March 19                        
March 20                        

March 21                         ​​
March 22                        

March 23                        
March 24                        
March 25                        
March 26                         ​St. Andrew Parish
March 27                        
March 28                          
March 29                         Cathedral
March 30                          
March 31                         ​ 
April 1                          
April 2                          
April 3                        
April 4                        
April 5                         ​St. Aloysius 
April 6                          
April 7                        
April 8                          
April 9                          
April 10                          
April 11                        


April 12                        

​St. George in Crystal Beach

April 13                        
***Some registrants bring their families, friends, or group members to the vigil.
**** Please specify the Church or Organization in the Niagara Region with which you are involved, or indicate someone you know and their e-mail address who is already registered with the 40 Days for Life. For help, please email the Vigil Co-ordinator at